

Hospital Information
Management System(HIMS)

Product Introduction Speciality Modules Patient Workflows

Product Introduction

Product Background

The integrated hospital management system called Hospmate has been designed and developed by Busysoft Systems with help of different hospitals and nursing homes. The software is under use and development since 1998.

Development Approach

The software provides simple activity based Forms as per day to day working of the hospital. Utmost care has been taken to avoid duplicate work at various stages of providing data to the computer. No decision making parameters are required to be looked into by the staff. The hospital management, staff should record the activities and services provided to the patient. The patient information, receipts, billing etc. is kept by the system using its decision making parameters. The parameter can be overridden as and when required by the competent authority. This approach helps in providing real time information to the management on all the activities of the hospital. For example the informations such as cash receivable from IPD, OPD collection during the day, OPD patients for a particular doctor during a period are available on real time basis.

Development Environment

The software has been developed using visual basic 6.0, a latest software development tool by Microsoft. This provides maximum standardization and compatibility with other industry softwares. The databases that can be used by the software are MS-Access, MS-SQL, Oracle.


The system has been designed to provide the hospital a system with following salient features:

  • Easy operations
  • Standardized Windows os based system to provide the best of industry support(ensures longer system life)
  • Multi-user system
  • Low operational costs with provision of printing on dot matrix printer
  • The operator need not be an expert on hospital management billing and system. The operator has to just record the activities/services performed or given to the patient. The decision making regarding charges to be taken from the patient depending upon registration, discharge, category, duration of stay, doctor, panel, ward, bed and services are calculated automatically. The provision for such operations are to be set only once by the proper authority
  • A Comprehensive security option has been provided with ability to control each and every function of the system. The manager can give authority to the users on various functions.


Hospitsl Interior

Speciality Modules

Speciality Module

System Benefits

  • The system eliminates
    • Lost information
    • Paper intensive operations
    • Unnecessary duplicate information
    • Missed charges calculation
    • Error in charges calculations
    • Delays information regarding accounts receivables
    • Confusion in work flow
  • The system reduces
    • Clerical time
    • Clerical errors
    • Turn around time

System Control

The Hospmate software system provides extensive flexibility to address the ever changing need of a hospital setup. It provides and controls

  • Controls sequential number system
  • Establishes a charging policies
  • Allows unique numbering system for registered patient


System Setups

The software provides extensive setup options to achieve the openness in the system. The setups such as following have been provided:

  • IPD information setup
    • Patient category setups
    • IPD ward/bed setups
    • Consultants visit setups
    • Billing headsetup
    • IPD Bill setup
  • OPD information setup
    • Patient category setup
    • Consultants visit setups
  • Charges item setup
  • Consultants list
  • Referred by list
  • Panel company setup
  • Report setups
  • Security setup

Security Setups

The hospmate system has been provided with a unique multilevel security system. The owner or the manager of the software can allow or disallow a particular function of the system to a user. The manager can also set security for a particular terminal on the networked environment by linking a particular user to a terminal. This system also maintains a activity log of two main activities:

  • The record added or created by which user, on which terminal and at what time.
  • The record modified by which user, on which terminal and at what time.

The integrated hospital management system called Hospmate has been designed and developed by Busysoft Systems with help of different hospitals and nursing homes. The software is under use and development since 1998.

Patient Workflows

Hospmate Overview

The hospmate system revolves around a centralized patient registration at reception. All patients which require any services from the hospital has to approach reception. The patient is given:

  • A Card -Emergency/Daycare, OPD card, IPD Card
  • Charge Slip -Charge slip for services given to the patient. The charges are added into the final bill
  • Receipt -A receipt for the paid charges for the services
  • Bill -A consolidated bill for the services given to the patient

In case of distributed system the hospital can also provide terminals at various other locations such as Nursing station, Lab, X-ray units, Echo units, U/s units, Pharmacy, stores etc. for issuing charge slips, receipts, bills to the patients.

Patient Registration

All the patients which arrive in the hospital are first registered at the reception under this module. The patient demographics such as name, age, sex, address, city, occupation, blood group, allergies etc. are kept here. This is a central database of the patient. This data is shared by all the departments through out the association of the patient with the hospital. The patient arriving at this juncture can be sent to :

  • Emergency
  • OPD
  • IPD
  • Clinical services(Laboratory, Radiology etc.)

This module:

  • Provides a central data base of the patients.
  • Prints registration card
  • Prints patient receipt, charge slips
  • Prints labels
  • Charges patient for services and print receipts for the same
  • Keeps patient photo

The patient can be searched and browsed on the basis of registration number, patient name, address etc.

Emergency, Day Care

The records for patients who come as day care patients or admitted into emergency is kept in this module. The record contains information such as department, unit, date & time of admission, ward bed number, referred by doctor and category of admission. The charges to be taken from the patient can also be booked here as per the various activities performed on the patient. The salient features, purposes and output documents are:

  • Prints patient registration card
  • Record charges to be taken from the patient
  • Prints patient receipt, charge slips
  • Keeps track of old emergency patient
  • The charges for the patient are charged automatically according to the category, department unit and panel company of the patient.

The patient can be searched and browsed on the basis of registration number, emergency number, name etc.


Patient Workflows


This records for patients who come as OPD patients with or without appointments with a consultant. The record contains information such as department, unit, time, category, referred by doctor. The salient features, purposes and output documents are:

  • Prints patient opd card
  • Record charges to be taken from the patient
  • Prints patient receipts, charge slips
  • Keeps track of old opd patient visiting during valid period of the card
  • The charges for the patient are taken automatically according to the category, department unit and panel company of the patient.
  • The patient receipts can be printed for each receipt head.
  • The user can print receipts automatically as soon as the patient is booked.
  • This option is useful for certain patients for whom a set of charges are to be automatically charged as soon as the patient is booked.

The patient can be searched and browsed on the basis of registration number, opd number, name etc. Patient can also be searched on the basis of certain queries such as state, city, zip code, phone etc.


The records for patients who come as IPD into hospital is kept in this module. The record contains information such as department, unit, date & time of admission, ward bed number and referred by doctor, category of admission. The charges to be taken from the patient can also be booked here as per the various activities performed on the patient. The salient features, purposes and output documents are:

  • Keeps patient admission notes, discharge summaries
  • Keeps track of visiting doctor details
  • Keeps track of patient shifting to other departments, units, categories
  • Prints patient registration card
  • Advance receipt
  • Advance to be taken as per the category of patient.
  • Record charges to be taken from the patient.
  • Prints patient receipt, charge slips, Prints final bill, account statements and summary
  • The charges for the patient are taken automatically according to the category, department unit and panel company of the patient.
  • Prints patient receipt, charge slips, Prints final bill, account statements and summary In case if patient has been shifted from one category to another, all the respective charges as per the category on date and time basis will be charged automatically.

The patient can be searched and browsed on the basis of registration number, IPD number, name etc.